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Airport Access Conference 2017: a success for air-rail intermodality

Brussels – 16 November 2017 – The Airport Access Conference 2017, an event jointly organised by Airport Regions Conference (ARC) and Global AirRail Alliance (GARA), took place on 14th of November 2017, in Brussels. Aviation and air-rail stakeholders, such as airport regions, airports, airlines and railways, gathered to exchange knowledge on surface access and new mobility technologies. 

On the one hand, this conference was a great opportunity for ARC members and GARA members to brainstorm on solutions that could foster the improvement of the intermodal mobility to and from airports. On the other hand, the conference offered informative insights from our many experienced speakers that approached topics such as: planning, airport cities, funding, financing and operations.

As speakers from all around the world joined us, the Airport Access Conference served as a platform of knowledge exchange: while we learnt from Regional Authority

FrankfurtRheinMain how to plan bicycle infrastructure in and around the airport, we also heard interesting ideas on how to improve landside access to the airport from Budapest District 18. Additionally, the Development Bank of Southern Africa brought forward their plan of financing and modernisation of the airport and rail infrastructure development in Sub-Sahara Africa, but we also got good pieces of advice on how to make the best of EU funds for airport access projects from Eurotran. Briefly, the conference succeeded to give food for thought to our participants and it paved the way for further air-rail cooperation.


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